Tuesday 14 October 2014


What is Kuleshov? 

for example lets say you have one shot of a guy just sitting on a bench looking into the distance, but you don't know what he is looking at, could be anything, it then skips to a shot of two people on a bike, it gives you the feeling he is looking at them, that are riding the bikes. Or you could go to a shot of kids in a park playing, it also gives you the feeling that he is looking at them and it helps you think of what kind of personality he has.

I will show a short clip here of Alfred Hitchcock explaining it, in the easiest way to understand that I think is possible. Click here.

“Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.” 
― Alfred Hitchcock

  1. BornAugust 13, 1899, Leytonstone, London
  2. DiedApril 29, 1980, Bel-Air, Los Angeles, California, United States

D.W Griffith

Charlie Chaplin once called D.W Griffiths 'Teacher of us all"

He is very respected in the film industry because of what he has done such as

He first started out as an actor before he got offered to become an directer at the biography company

Some of the very first movies that he directed were A corner in the wheat (1909), Fighting Blood (1911) and Under burning Skies (1912). From these films that he directed you could see the style of directing he had emerging

In 1915 made 'birth of the nation'  was the first masterpiece of cinema according to visual and performing arts.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

First Post Research

Thomas Edison
  1. BornFebruary 11, 1847, Milan, Ohio, United States

What was he famous for?

he was famous for a lot of inventions, such as the light bulb and other inventions such as The Phonograph, this is an invention that he made which recorded your voice and then you could play it back. 

The first sentence said through this which was "mary had a little lamb"

He also invented the Motion picture, it was inspired by Muybridge's analysis of motion. The Motion picture was a spiral arrangement of 1/6 inch Photographs made on a cylinder, This invention resembled the invention he made called the Phonograph


Eadweard Muybridge
  1. BornApril 9, 1830, Kingston upon Thames
  2. DiedMay 8, 1904, Kingston upon Thames

What is he Famous for?
He was known for his work in photographic experiments and some people might know him by the "father of motion picture, which some people call him by

He invented the Zoopraxiscope,this was a camera with a fast shutter and used other techniques of when he was around, he used this to make the very first film that showed sequences of movement, he did this in 1879.
He is also known for the 'passing horse' he got a series of cameras that took pictures in a sequence, the reason he did this was to prove that all the horses feet are off the floor sometimes when it gallops.

Steenbeck Editing

They make editing tables for motion picture films and a lot of other areas such as hospital x-ray films in hospital but mostly known for their work in motion picture.

Since 1953 they have been making Film tables and surprisingly they still get used, a lot of people prefer to use this instead of film still, some of them sell for quite a lot of money.

it all started with this guy called Mr. W. Steenbeck (February 25, 1896 – March 24, 1975).